Tag Archives: review

My Return to WordPress!!! Book should be out this week!!

Hello bloggers and followers!!!
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Yes, I have returned after two weeks of no posting. I deeply apologize to those of you who follow my daily/weekly posts. I’ve been terribly busy with this publish, school and work. But now I’m back and I’ve brought news with me.

The last time I posted, I shared the news of getting my proof in the mail. The final step was reviewing. Well guess what? I’m FINISHED. I collected the two copies of the novel I sent to readers and sat down for two days. I spend long hard hours getting this done and now I’m finally finished. In 24 hrs, Createspace will ask me to approve my proof. From there, the book will be available online, then in bookstores. I am ordering copies asap so I can sell them by hand and publicize them.

My first book signing is the 25th of April. I already have the location and what now. Then I’m going to have a showcase for first friday in May. I have a goal to sell 5 books a week by hand. I already know alot of people who want to purchase the book. But I want to get the book out as much as possible so people know about the author.

I currently have plans for two new books. One that I’m working on alone and the other which I have a partner for. I’ll give details later.

Also, my laptop HAS AN INTERNET BROWSER NOW!! So I will be blogging more frequently. I’m going to make a post about my adventures with Comic Con 2014, Publishing, Book Signings and much much more.

It’s good to be back all 😀 keep blogging!!


I love this! If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. If you have a fan page, I’ll be sure to follow you. Thanks followers 🙂 Keep writing and blogging

My proof copy of my book has arrived!

Hey bloggers and followers! Check it out!

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Finally, finally I have the story in book form. Let me tell you, when I saw that box on the doorstep, I just stared at it. I was overjoyed as I brought it inside! I don’t know how to describe the feeling. I was going to explode. Jokingly I put it back on the doorstep saying, “I am not worthy.” Closed the door then quickly opened it saying, “I am totally worthy!” It was exciting. This book looks GREAT.

It isn’t anywhere as thick as I imagined it would be. It’s size isn’t intimidating, the interior writing isn’t overwhelming to the eye either. Everything is properly spaced the way it should and this book should be an easy read to anyone who picks it up. I believe the cover will draw ALOT of attention. It has this exotic look to it. I’m not expecting men to look at this twice. But women will definitely notice it. The golden part is the back. The back cover description has a nice hook to it. Everything is just PERFECT. The book is exactly how I envisioned. I made a plan and the plan is going great.

I’m sitting in my public library and things feel different now. When I walked inside, I saw all of these books. Me knowing that I wrote a book that will eventually be in libraries made me feel as if I was at a haven or home. I felt like I was part of some sort of club. Today is a very good day; a dream birthed into reality. The absolute best part is that this book is only the first of many that I will be releasing.

So now that I’m on my proof stage, I have to go through this thing efficiently, check formatting and such. Then I get to read it! Yes i know, I read it hundreds of times. But this is different. I’m reading it in book form! After that, all I have to do is tell my distributors to make this title available.

Fun fun stuff. Today was and still has a few exciting moments. My dad hasn’t arrived home from work. So I’m looking forward to his reaction. For now, I’m about to leave the library and go visit some friends.

Keep blogging bloggers! Thanks for following!


I love this! If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. If you have a fan page, I’ll be sure to follow you. Thanks followers 🙂 Keep writing and blogging




I changed the title of my book btw.

Hey there followers and bloggers! It is currently 2:02am where I live and I’m updating via iPhone to share really good news!


My file was resubmitted about 5 times due to isbn issues. This week was pretty frustrating, not the submissions but my travels. Since non of my computers can get onto internet, I have to travel to either a library or my college campus to update files. This means the smallest errors have to be fixed on my laptop, transferred to my jump drive, then taken to the library.

None of this would be fun without a challenge so I bite the bullets and do what I must to push this forward. My final submission met all of the printing requirements and publish requirements. So they have finally approved my book and now I’m in the proof process.

I have ordered three copies of my book. One for me and two for testers. I like to hurt people read my books before I let others read it. Plus I think this will help me perfect the book as far as finding possible mistakes go. The books will be at my doorstep before the week ends. I’m too excited to sleep but I have to try because I have work tomorrow.

I’m interested in hearing stories from people who have been through the whole self-publishing process. What was your review and proofing like?

That’s it for now bloggers! I’ll get you all with an update later.

I love this! If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. If you have a fan page, I’ll be sure to follow you. Thanks followers 🙂 Keep writing and blogging

Awake!! Bright and early

Rise and shine bloggers! The sun is shining in the winter. Isn’t it supposed to snow? Whatever, take the win. It looks like a pretty good day.

I woke up pretty early and it’s because I plan to get a lot done today. I don’t have work and I’m on winter break so I have a lot of free time. I will be dedicating most if not all of this time to book work. I’m still pumped about yesterday. I’m under 500 pages! My book has a fighting chance now yes, yes, yes!!I feel like that guy on the Mighty Ducks after they won at the end. Remember that movie?


And it’s not that I didn’t think the book would get readers in the first place. It’s just that if a book looks to be the size of a dictionary, I doubt anyone would bother to look at it unless the cover was AMAZING. I honestly believe readers will love Hero’s Tale. It’s one of those books that touch you at the core. It may even inspire you.

Before I send the book to CreateSpace and start on cover designs I need to format the interior just right. I went through it last night and did it. Right now I’m going to check out standards to make sure it’s finished properly.

Aside from that you all should know that I have an account on pretty much every popular social network. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram are websites I can be found on. I’ve been getting adds on both tumblr and facebook. It’s virtually impossible to find me anywhere besides Facebook and that’s because they’re all either extremely private or…well that’s the only reason.

Now before any eyes start to rise in suspicion let me explain. The accounts are set on private to prevent stalkers or people who I would otherwise prefer didn’t have access to, well, my life. I posts so much and there’s alot of info about me, especially on my Facebook.

But since I will be a public figure soon with the publish and all, I think you all should be able to see “me” as in learn who the author is through those personal things. So I just have to do some cleanup work on the sites before I make them all public. No adds will be necessary, you’ll just be able to look me up. This is all part of a plan I made for my book publishing. I knew that I was going to use Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Hadn’t thought about Instagram, but why not. So it’s in my schedule to have those sites public before the 1st of February. I’m aiming for early January.

Alright, it’s time for me to get to work. Have a great day you all and thanks for following 🙂


If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. See you later this evening xD


My first obstacle!! Fun, kinda, well not really

Goodmorning Bloggers/followers 🙂 . I’m up pretty early partly because I barely slept last night eh, whatever, let’s get to it.

Last night I managed to get on CreateSpace to check out the book covers dilemma. I had to format my doc so it fits the trim size which is 6″in x 9″in. So I looked up how to do the formatting, and did it. But man, this made my book longer than it already is. Are you ready for it? I’m going to type.

OVER 700 PAGES!!! I almost pooped myself when I saw that increase in pages. I seriously almost had a nervous breakdown or something when I saw it. Who will read that much?? What do I do?? How do I fix this??? UGGGGGHHH!

Obviously I won’t just give up. What kind of writer would I be if I just gave up at the first hard thing that came up? So after thinking and bugging out for half an hour, trying to think of possible solutions, I went to bed to clear my mind. So here I am, still blogging because I still intend to publish and by no means will I ever give up, never.

So here are my options:
1. I could split the book into two books or possibly a series.

2. I could make the pages even more or trim it

3.I could go balls in and publish the whole book in its glory.

That last one is my favorite. I don’t have too many good options here. Hero’s Tale wasn’t written to have a sequel. It’s a one and doner. So splitting it would be extremely difficult and making it a series?? I would basically have to rewrite the book. Ugh. Next option.

Trimming the pages and making them even would reduce my page count down to the high 600 at the most. This book has a 10,000 word count meaning I’d have to take out a few thousand words to reduce the trim. Basically, I’d have to take out a few chapters. That will wreak the story. Can’t do it. Next option.

Publishing the book anyway. For some reason I like this idea and my gut is pushing me towards it. I mean this isn’t going to be my first publish and if anything this will be a learning experience. The story isn’t even boring to add to that. It’s just long. I’ve been told it’s suspenseful all the way through. With it being a Romance it has it’s cliche moments but for the most part it’s at least tolerable. You get caught up in the story and if you’re a hopeless romantic like me, you have trouble stop reading it.

I’ve worked hard to get up to this point and I don’t plan on quitting, or even starting a new project. I did think about postponing Hero’s Tale production to give Love Bleeds Red a shot, it’s my only other finished book. Writing is a length process, bear with me people lol.

Love Bleeds Red comes to 348 pages with the format but it has a very low word count for some reason coming to-39286. That story is the first I ever finished and it’s my baby. THE baby. I want to do more to it before publishing because THAT is a series. A sequel has already been started for it.

Hero’s Tale is good too. But I’m in love with the other book. HT is meant to be the jump start to my career, a learning opportunity, me jumping into the deep end and learning to swim. I think you all get the picture. I feel that HT is good enough to publish as my first.

I’ll figure things out today. If anything, publication will be set back a month at the most BUT I don’t, DO NOT want to do that. The book is done, written, complete, finished and every other synonym related to done. There’s no reason to keep dragging this along. It’s my time.

I’ll keep you all posted on this. Feel free to give advice, suggestions and or even tips. I’m going back to sleep.

If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. Enjoy your Sunday and stay warm out there.

Update 12-25-13!!!

Have you guys ever just had a book you were reading but you get so tired of reading it, you just get annoyed?


That’s how this book made me feel. I’ve had it for about two or three weeks. I didn’t like how it was written in the beginning so I kinda put it off because of boredom BUT I wanted to give the book a chance so I kept reading and today I decided to finish it because I was just tired of reading it. And no this is not a review, I’m simply telling you about my day and my writing/book related activities. Lol

It was a pretty good book. It wasn’t terrible and it did keep my attention. The ending caught me off guard and I wasn’t expecting it. I liked it 🙂 but now what should I read?

Today was my day off from the book work. Someone commented on an earlier post and made me realize that it was ok to take a break. But tomorrow it’s back to work. It’s time to make a book cover!

Thanks for following bloggers. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday 😀

If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me.


So I’m pretty excited with the gifts I received for Christmas I knew I was getting books but wasn’t sure which ones


The complete Twilight saga, books 2,3 and 4 of the Mortal Instruments series, The Fault in our Stars, and Mocking Jay.


So now I have a couple of complete series. I think I have 2 or 3. See even though I’ve been writing for a few years I haven’t always been a HUGE reader. I got into it this summer, loved it and haven’t stopped reading and collecting books. My fav author so far is Cassandra Clare, she’s awesome.


At the moment this is my entire collection. I’ve read 5 books, 2 of which I don’t own(Paper Towns and You complete Me). Right now I’m reading Crumble. Since the holiday has passed my collection will start growing fast. I was going to buy more but didn’t want to buy what others got for me.


Almost, I almost went and bought Book 2, but it wasn’t at the store. Turns out my sister beat me to it. Same exact store haha. I had a hunch.

Merry Christmas!! It’s Christmas now where I live..lol

Late, late, late! Shoot. Sorry guys but whatever at least I’m still posting.

So last night I stayed up until 5 or 6 working on a book called, Beyond a Lifetime. I wasn’t able to work on coverart since there isn’t internet over here but I always have my laptop. It’s like my workspace.

I almost always work on a story daily and I try to stay consistent. I have the habit of jumping from story to story and it usually happens when I get writers block. That’s why finishing Love Bleeds Red and Hero’s Tale was such an accomplishment. Now that I’m heading into publishing it’s an even bigger accomplishment.
I might post chapter one and chapter one only from Beyond a Lifetime, not sure, defiantly won’t do that for HT.

Well, I have to get back to the holiday, watch how the grinch stole Christmas, eat breakfast then open my gifts! I know that’s there’s at least 5 books coming my way xD I’ll post pics. Merry Christmas bloggers/followers

If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. I hope you all enjoy your holiday 🙂

Ten Things I Love About Me

So I made this deal with one of my followers. If she did one I would too. Apparently someone she really admired called her weird and I couldn’t believe she was in a bummed out mood right on Christmas. I told her forget that guy, you’re awesome. So I wrote this for her. This isn’t intended to sound conceited whatsoever so..yeah ha.

1.The heart I have is definitely number one on my list. Some would say I’m “sensitive”. But I’m simply a person who knows how to feel without caring what others think. I’m not afraid to express the way I feel. I’m compassionate, tolerant and understanding. It’s something I’m glad to have because it’s so easy to be negative these days, but I’ve learned how to be positive in a lot of circumstances.

2. My intelligence is another thing. I’m not the smartest person alive but heck, I’m pretty smart. I’ll take the win.

3.This one will sound vain. But I think we all should admire ourselves to some degree. I love my appearance. Everything from head to toe I appreciate; height, skin color, my voice, etc. wouldn’t change a thing.

4. My imagination is another love. This could tie in with number one and two. Without my heart I doubt I’d be into romance and without intelligence I doubt I’d be eloquent enough to put those feelings into characters and a story. Imagination gets it’s own spot because it’s a combination of two qualities being used to form another.

5.I love my willpower. I’m one of those people who never gives up. Literally, I hate giving up and in anything I do it’s either I’m all in or I’m not in at all. Relationships, school, work and even my books. It’s my willpower that helps me through the tough parts of those things.

6.I love that I’m a writer! How could that not be one. Let’s be honest, it’s the reason I even made this blog. I love the writing, making stories and anything paper and pen related-except speeding tickets…lol

7.I love how I prefer to learn on my own. Some will say this is a bad thing if you don’t know how to accept help from others. I just love being the captain of my own ship. The reliance on other people makes me feel inferior or something. I know how to accept help, but I am always the first person I go to for help and advice. I like being responsible and in control.

8. I love…this is getting hard…ahem. I love my humorous side. I have the habit of making everyone around me including myself laugh. It started out as a nervous habit and kind of still is but still, who doesn’t like to laugh? I like making people smile and humor gets the job done 🙂

9.I love how my “wild-side”… I’ll leave that one where it’s at.

10.The last thing I love is my individuality. Once upon a time I was once called; weird, peculiar, different, out of the ordinary, but weird was the preferred name by most in my younger years. It used to get me down. You go home and wonder, “dang, I guess I am different. I don’t know anyone else like me..” But then I got more mature and older and I started loving the things I was picked on about. “Edward, you’re so weird.” I was fed up and just accepted it. Yes! I am different. I’ll stand up for all of the weird people in the world. It’ll be a big weirdocopia. Im a heterosexual guy who could shed a few tears during titanic or the notebook. I daydream about meeting my “dreamgirl”. I laugh out loud sometimes because of past moments or just because I’m happy. I’d rather write books and meet a decent girl who LOVES to read, romance and or write, instead of going to bars or parties. It’s true, I’m far from the norm, but that is who I am. I’m weird and I love everything about it. If there was some magical wand that would grant me normal for the rest of my life, I’d turn away. I love who I am.

If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. I’ve noticed some of you aren’t in the same timezones as me. I think that’s REALLY cool for some reason lol.

Merry Christmas followers/bloggers!!

I’m doing this early, just in case time gets away from me. Yes, I’m that dedicated.

Hello bloggers/followers. Today was as hectic as I predicted. I’m updating via my iPhone. And I haven’t had any free time to design or even look at the Hero’s Tale doc.

I went to the mall and picked up the items I wasn’t able to find yesterday. So now I’m all set for Christmas. I just have to wrap these gifts.

I’m having dinner with family then I’m spending the night at my mother’s house. So I’ll only be able to update with my phone but I’ll have my laptop. No designs tonight due to lack of internet access at my mothers house. I should set up the iPhone hotspot so this doesn’t happen again.

I’ve noticed a few bloggers who comment and like posts regularly which is awesome. Thanks it means a lot. I try to do the same. You guys are pretty interesting. We have poets, novelist and reviewers. All of you are awesome I love seeing your posts daily and it means a lot to have your support. Keep blogging and don’t stop writing 🙂 Merry Christmas!!

If you LOVE romance or love to read in general FOLLOW THIS BLOG. Seriously, I follow back always and who doesn’t like mutual support? I’ve seen reviewers too. FOLLOW. Because I will need people to critique my books, good or bad, doesn’t matter. Some help is better than none at all. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks to all that follow me. I’ve noticed some of you aren’t in the same timezones as me. I think that’s REALLY cool for some reason lol.